In all honesty, it's probably too early to give a full and accurate mission statement. The entirety of the future will rest upon how things go during the final stages of self-publishing, as well as the aftermath. However, I would like to say a thing or two.
Overall, if things go well, I hope to at least help some authors with their own self-publishing efforts, even if that ends up as simply relaying any tips or tricks I pick up along the way. At best I could see Distant Words Publishing become a full-fledged publisher. At worst, this site will just fade away into obscurity. So really only time will tell for sure.
I know that for an absolute certainty, this site will be the home base to my own debut novel,
The Scars Of Gaia (which will also featured on If I end up writing more, those future writings will also follow the same path. My wife had expressed an interest in being published, as has our oldest son; in both cases, Distant Words Publishing will also be handling those publications.
After that? I guess anything is possible.
At the very least, however, I will absolutely strive to do my best in balancing my own interests with those of any (and I do mean any) independent author seeking guidance. And I will always welcome any insight that anyone has to offer.
I will say that I do truly believe that the world of traditional publishing is in need of massive changes, and that self-publishing could really help in shaking things up. Unfortunately, I felt the same way with the music industry about a decade back, and well... I don't think that the Independent Music Scene really lived up to its potential, and this could very easily go the same way.
But here's hoping I'm wrong on that!
Anyway, for the near future, expect a few posts focusing on what I have learned so far as an author, as well as updates on my own upcoming debut novel.
Thank you for reading my post! Please consider checking out my debut novel,
The Scars of Gaia, here on my website! The entire novel can be downloaded for free in multiple digital formats.